
Play Hidden Snake Game on Youtube Videos While it Nags you when Loading! Sharvinzlife@gmail.com

When you watch a youtube video what’s the most irritating thing you face? yes, the loading time, you have to wait a lot of time for video to load. There’s nothing you could do at this time. In this tutorial i’ll teach you how to change this irritating time into fun time, while your video loads in background.. Best thing is its even better than the claasic snake game.

Who could forget the classic snake game developed by nokia for mobile phones?? snake game was the most addictive game before angry birds was even invented. Now you remember the little circle on the video while its load? were’re gonna turn it into a snake Now for the tutorial part.

>> Play or pause the video, it doesn't really matter becos you could play the game while the video is paused or while playing video simultaneously. I suggest you to pause.

>> Press left arrow and down arrow on your keyboard in quickly in the same sequence. Loading circle will turn into a snake and your game starts... There you go! Go and experience the Magic!

Have Fun experiencing and using it!

by Sharvinzlife

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

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