Most of users who are addicted to Facebook/Twitter may find google + a little confusing. But fact is google plus is a very simple social networking site with some innovative features and a blend of all major networking sites.
Google plus is following the same cut the crap principle facebook followed 7 years ago but unfortunately facebook isn’t the same now. Google plus is for you if you hate it when a random friend adds you to a stupid Facebook group or you go mad when you receive tons of spam mentions on Twitter. They are all public and anyone can find it via a simple search [@your_Twitter-handle]. Are you fed up with people who mass tag you in photos and videos,use stupid apps, which really gets in the way of your social privacy? You don’t want to remove those friends from your social life, it’s just that you want to prevent them from doing the same nonsense over and over again. There is no Wall so the question of spam links and malicious apps being posted on your profile is burned to death.
Now with the guide part, Everything in Google + works through Circles.
A Circle is an identifier for the network you create and it is visible to you only. You can create as many circles as you want, and add friends to one or more circles that you have created. No one except you will be able to see the name and visibility of your Google Plus circles.The best thing regarding Google Plus is that Google will automatically scan your email contact list and Android contacts and suggest you people whom you might want to follow. You may add these people to your circles through a beautiful and intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
If you want to follow a celebrity or a famous person on Google Plus like you do on twitter, simply search for his name on the search box and add him to a circle you have created. Again, this circle is visible only to you so you can safely name it anything you want.
Streams is like news feed from facebook and on the right pane, you will notice that all the circles are listed one after another. Click the name of a circle and you should see the filtered life stream, containing updates from people who have been added to that particular circle only. This is super useful and helps you to stay in touch with family members, and friends, so you never miss out catching up the updates of “quiet” people among those who are highly active on Google plus.
Notifications is also one thing i’ve found in G+ better than FB.On the top right corner of your Google plus profile, you will notice a sleek notifications button. This little kid will continue monitoring your Google plus activity and alert you whenever someone comments in a post you commented earlier, someone replies to your status update or tags you in a photo uploaded by you. You can even have a quick preview of what the new notification is about by clicking it.
Some might be wondering how to mention people in facebook comments, well just use + instead of @ like you do in facebook. Dont like the way you like in facebook? dont worry G+ has + which is much better. Only difference here is that there would be no notification like “Mr X tagged you in a photo” . Anyone who wants to tag you in a photo will have to obtain your prior permission, which is very very useful and a godsend.Your about profile page will remind you of likedin network.
Paired asterisks (*text*) make bold text, paired underscores (_text_) make italics, and paired dashes (-text-) make strikethroughs. To toggle your account settings there is a small icon to the top right corner.
Chat widget is placed down the bottom of right pane where you can click the name of a person and send him an instant message right away.Contrary to Facebook and Twitter, there is no way to send private messages to your Google plus friends and contacts. Instead, there is a handy option called “Email’ placed right below the profile photo of your Google Plus friend, click it and you can send a private message directly to his email inbox. But there’s need of private messages in specific because if you want to send a private message, share a post only with that specific friend, problem solved!!
For all your Google Plus activity, you will receive email notifications/SMS to the email address you used to sign up for Google Plus. Individual notification settings can be toggled from the notifications page

G+ works great on Androids too, you can install the official Google plus application using this link.
Hope this helps!! Happy Googling!!