
Different alternative medicine!! Sharvinzlife@gmail.com

Different alternative medicine

CultureMiscellaneousNeobydennaya routine
When anesthetic and conventional medicine does not work, then people search for the alternative medicine. Somewhere use of leeches and scorpions, and somewhere turtles biting a person. For some, this is madness, for others the last chance for recovery. We invite you to see a series of unusual photos that may seem strange, funny, or, conversely, terrible. And all this - alternative medicine!
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Alternative medicine - conventional concept that combines methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of human, who for one reason or another have not received universal acceptance among physicians. The main reason for this is usually a lack of clear rules, a large proportion of subjectivity in the selection and application of these methods.
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by Sharvinzlife

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

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