Facebook Chat Animations Working! Sharvinzlife@gmail.com

Today I'm gonna show a list of cool facebook animations which you can use during your facebook chats. Its animating.. looks wonderful use it Enjoy!

….*.[[336842623036575]] [[336842623036575]] [[126216480723638]] *’
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….[[336842623036575]] [[336842623036575]] [[126216480723638]] 
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[[312615488792622]] your message [[312615488792622]]

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_______ [[216423528416706]] _______ [[216423528416706]]
_________.[[363460793698354]] [[216423528416706]] [[]]

These are working 100%. I myself used them..:)
by Sharvinzlife

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

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