

Given the fact that roads are getting more and more crowded, car manufacturers thought that it would be nice if they could also conquer the sky. That is exactly what Terrafugia Inc. thought in 2010 when they started working on an innovative project, a vehicle that could be driven on the road and also fly if the driver considers he needs to get faster to his destination. That’s what the name of the company symbolizes, Terrafugia’s name being Lation for “escape the Earth”.

The project name is Terrafugia - Transition the Roadable Light Sport Aircraft, and its success depends only on the public’s reaction. We say that because the corporation already has already received the flight authorization for the vehicle. It also complies with the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS), so if you want it all you have to do is place a deposit and you’ll get your own flying car by the end of the year.

Terrafugia announced that the anticipated base price is $279,000 and you can place a refundable deposit of $10,000 or a non-refundable deposit of $2,500.

The official specifications reveal that the vehicle can cruise in the air at 105 mph (172 km/h) and it’s top speed is at 115 mph (185 km/h). On the road it’s much slower, topping at 65 mph (105 km/h). It can cover a distance up to 490 miles in air (787 kilometers) and in case of unexpected problems it’s equipped with a full vehicle parachute, capable of landing the entire aircraft.

If you’re thinking of buying Terrafugia’s “hybrid”, you need the money and a pilot license you can get after 20 hours of flight time.

Company website: http://www.terrafugia.com/
Via : Autoevolution
by Sharvinzlife

I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.

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