Around 6 km from the city of Dunhuang in western China, Lake Crescent lies - an incredible oasis in the Gobi Desert. In Chinese it is called Yueyatsyuan. This lake is a crescent-shaped - the most important landmark of the region, where one of the greatest Buddhist temples situated in the world.
This lake was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, but it is reducing from the 1970s and now is only a third of its original size. (UrinalCakes on Reddit)
Only in the last 30 years the lake has dropped by 7.6 meters. (Richard Towell)
Recently, local authorities began to take steps to keep this place and restore the depth of the lake to previous levels. (Richard Towell)
Today the ancient city of Dunhuang, which served as a gateway to the West, threatened by the modern requirements. (Black_lava)
The dam was built 30 years ago to help local farmers, as well as for population growth, is strongly influenced by the already fragile ecosystem of the desert, which has been stable for thousands of years. (Tom Thai)
With the arrival of increasing numbers of people in the region, groundwater level ( the main source of local drinking water) began to fall. (Newlite)